Forcepoint Innovery

Forcepoint Innovery

Forcepoint è l’azienda leader nel settore della sicurezza informatica per la protezione degli utenti e dei dati. La sua missione è tutelare le aziende e guidare la crescita e la trasformazione digitale. Le nostre soluzioni armonizzate si adattano in tempo reale al modo in cui le persone interagiscono con i dati, forniscono un accesso sicuro e, allo stesso tempo, consentono ai dipendenti di creare valore.

Sicurezza incentrata sui dati

Funzionalità convergenti che proteggono dall’endpoint al cloud.

Ricerca di intelligence sulle minacce e sul comportamento

Applicazione di intelligence aggiornata su comportamenti e minacce per offrire soluzioni di protezione informatica più solide

IA e scienza dei dati

Utilizzo dell’apprendimento automatico e dell’analisi per la comprensione del comportamento.


Innovery is a multinational company based in Italy, Spain and Mexico. It offers a specialized consulting service for innovative ICT solutions. Managed by a professional and experienced team, the company focuses on the market of Finance, Industry, Utilities, Energy, Retail and Telecommunications and Public Administration.

From 2019, following Wise Equity’s entry into the shareholding, the Group aims to further accelerate its expansion by fostering organic growth, leveraging existing relationships and building new ones, and implementing an M&A strategy to develop products, services and markets internationally. The success the company has received over the years is due to the wide range of customized solutions and services we offer to our customers. Our goals are to continue to establish partnerships with the most important leaders in the ICT world and to build stronger relationships with our customers based on professionalism, support and fast and reliable services, and to offer technologies and solutions to successfully solve current and growing demands. Over the next three years, the company’s growth plan focuses on ergonomic improvements and technological development in our current offices, as well as opening new offices worldwide and expanding our service and solution offerings.

Our company, composed of highly qualified professionals, is taking a leading role in the world of Information and Communications Technology, which is full of stimuli and constantly developing.

In recent years, Innovery has accelerated its growth path through the acquisition and integration of highly specialized and innovative companies, thus consolidating its position in Europe. In 2021, the group reached a turnover of over 55 million euros, with a workforce of 350 employees distributed between Italy, Spain and Mexico.

Numero di telefono copiato negli appunti


14 - 17 Giugno 2022

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17 Giu

Cantiere Cybersecurity [TL.04]

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17 Giu

Obiettivo Cybersecurity: rafforzare la difesa della PA e del paese per rispondere alle sfide della digitalizzazione [TM.08]

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